On January 20, 2021, Kamala Harris became the first woman to serve as Vice President of the United States. To mark this occasion, the Cambridge Negotiation Institute hosted a star-studded panel featuring negotiation stories and lessons from four prominent women leaders:
Kim Campbell. When it comes to blazing the trail for women, the Right Honourable Kim Campbell's career includes many milestones. Not only does Ms. Campbell still hold the distinction of being Canada's first and only female Prime Minister, she is also the first Canadian Prime Minister to have held office in all three levels of government: Municipal, Provincial and Federal. The Right Honourable Kim Campbell has held the cabinet portfolios of Minister of State for Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Minister of National Defence--the first woman to have held such a position in any NATO country--and Minister of Veterans' Affairs. Additionally, the breadth of her international experience includes participation in major international meetings such as the Commonwealth, NATO, the G-7 Summit and the United Nations General Assembly.
Rose Gottemoeller is the Frank E. and Arthur W. Payne Distinguished Lecturer at Stanford University's Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and its Center for International Security and Cooperation. Before joining Stanford Gottemoeller was the Deputy Secretary General of NATO from 2016 to 2019, where she helped to drive forward NATO’s adaptation to new security challenges in Europe and in the fight against terrorism. Prior to NATO, she served for nearly five years as the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security at the U.S. Department of State, advising the Secretary of State on arms control, nonproliferation and political-military affairs. While Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance in 2009 and 2010, she was the chief U.S. negotiator of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) with the Russian Federation. Gottemoeller, the first woman to lead a major nuclear arms negotiation, delivers an insider’s account of the negotiations between the US and Russian delegations in Geneva in 2009 and 2010 in her book Negotiating the New Start Treaty.
Vicki A. Jackson, MD, MPH is chief of the Division of Palliative Care and Geriatric Medicine, Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School, and co-director of the Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative Care. In her role as Chief of Palliative Care for Massachusetts General Hospital, she oversees all clinical, educational, and research initiatives related to Palliative Care. In her work at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. Jackson developed an outpatient care clinic in the Mass General Cancer Center. Dr. Jackson previously served as co-chair for an academic leadership training program for junior palliative medicine faculty with the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and as co-editor of a series for clinician-educators in the Journal of Palliative Medicine. She has co-authored a book called Living with Cancer, which was published in 2017.
Zoe Segal-Reichlin is a corporate lawyer specializing in nonprofit and political law. She currently serves as the General Counsel for Everytown for Gun Safety, the largest gun violence prevention organization in the country, and prior to that served for nearly a decade in the Office of the General Counsel at Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood Action Fund. She joined Planned Parenthood in March 2010 from Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, where she was a litigation associate. Prior to that, she was the George N. Lindsay Fellow at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law in Washington, DC. Zoe also is a CNI Consultant, and she has been teaching negotiations and difficult conversations seminars and courses for over fifteen years, including as an adjunct professor at Georgetown Law School.